The hair transplant recovery process is not an easy one. There are many mistakes that you can make during this process, and these mistakes can have a big impact on your final results.In this article, we will cover the 18 worst mistakes you can make during the hair transplant recovery process and how to avoid them.We will also go over some of the most common questions people have about their hair transplant and answer them for you.
I’m Getting a Hair Transplant—What Should I Expect?
Hair transplants are a great way to get a head start on your hairstyle. They can be done on the scalp or eyebrows, and the results are long-lasting. But before you go through with it, there are some things you need to know!
In this section, we’re going to talk about hair transplant nightmares and what you should expect before surgery.
Hair transplant nightmares are something that you should be aware of before going in for the surgery. It is important to know what you can expect and how to prepare for it.
Some people might think that hair transplants are a simple procedure, but it can be terrifying when done in an unhygienic condition or by non-certified doctors. Some of our most recent revitalization patients told us they experienced a lot of pain after the surgery, and others said they even got infections because they weren’t told how to take care of their wounds properly.
But we, at Global Medical Care, are here to ensure you have the best experience even after your hair transplant. Our medical consultants will always follow your progress up and answer any questions you may have.
Without further ado, let’s get back to the mistakes you should avoid.
Things to avoid after hair transplant
Hair transplant surgery is a life-changing decision, and its success significantly depends on how well you take care of your scalp post-procedure. While your surgeon will provide specific guidelines tailored to your individual needs, there are certain universal precautions you should consider. Here are some key things to avoid after your hair transplant to ensure optimal results.
- Avoid Touching Your Scalp: Resist the urge to touch, scratch or pick at your scalp. Your scalp will be sensitive after the procedure, and any interference might disturb the new grafts or lead to infection. If itching or discomfort persists, contact your surgeon for safe relief methods.
- Avoid Direct Sun Exposure: Exposure to sunlight can be harmful to your newly transplanted hair. The sun’s rays can cause irritation and potentially compromise the success of the procedure. Wear a hat or use an umbrella if you need to go outside during the first few weeks after the surgery.
- Avoid Strenuous Activities: For at least a week post-procedure, refrain from engaging in strenuous activities like heavy lifting or vigorous exercise. Such actions may increase blood pressure, leading to swelling or bleeding in the transplanted area.
- Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Alcohol and smoking can interfere with the healing process. Alcohol thins the blood, which can lead to increased swelling and slower healing, while smoking can reduce the blood flow to the hair follicles, affecting their growth. It’s recommended to avoid these substances for at least a few weeks before and after surgery.
- Avoid Hot Styling Tools and Chemical Treatments: Heated styling tools like hairdryers, straighteners, or curling irons should be avoided during the healing phase as they can cause damage or irritation to the grafts. Similarly, chemical treatments such as hair dye or perm solutions can irritate the scalp and should be avoided for at least a month.
- Avoid Swimming: Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools or the sea for at least two weeks post-surgery. The chemicals found in pool water or salt in sea water can negatively impact the healing process and cause irritation to the scalp.
- Avoid Certain Medications: Certain medications, like aspirin and other blood-thinning drugs, can increase the risk of bleeding. Always consult with your doctor before taking any medications following your hair transplant.
Driving for long hours
Hair restoration can sometimes be performed under deep sedation. Do not drive for the next 24 hours if you received a sedative. Make arrangements to have someone drive you to and from your appointment.
Other times, when hair transplant in Turkey can be done under local anesthesia, the patients can experience edema the first 3 days. So during this phase, it is important to not drive for longer hours, so the edema does not cause any swelling further down your face, i.e. around or under eyes.
Ignoring your medication
Ignoring the labels on your prescription and over-the-counter medications is one of the worst things you can do after your hair transplant procedure. To reduce the risk of infection, antibiotics should be taken exactly as prescribed. Furthermore, if the warning label instructs you not to operate heavy equipment or machinery after taking prescription analgesics, you should not drive. You should also make certain that you are not taking too much medication. Finally, if directed on the label, take your medication with a meal. Certain medications, particularly pain relievers, can cause gastrointestinal distress if taken on an empty stomach.
Sleeping on a flat position
To reduce the risk of swelling and loss of implanted grafts, you must sleep with your head elevated for the first seven days after treatment. Some clients discover that sleeping with their head elevated is all they need for a few days. However, keep in mind that not everyone experiences swelling after hair implants. There is no reason why you can’t sleep normally if you don’t feel a slight pressure around your brow.
If you find yourself with mild swelling, we recommend converting your recliner into a makeshift bed. It’s not ideal, but some people find that sleeping on top of four pillows is far more comfortable in their recliners. Maintain a 45-degree elevation in your head.
Sleeping on your tummy
Many people sleep on their stomachs or toss and turn at night. However, you must be careful not to sleep on your stomach or side for the first week after your treatment. Do not smear your new hairline on your pillow. If you can’t stop tossing and turning at night, invest in a weighted blanket or sleep in a recliner. It’s a small sacrifice, but it ensures that the outcomes of your treatment are not in jeopardy.
Ice compression
Do you remember how your parents taught you the RICE technique when you were a child, and you were hurt? Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are the keys to treating swelling “injuries.” We’ve already discussed elevation. If you have any swelling, we strongly advise you to apply ice for 20 to 30 minutes just above your brows. This is also an excellent preventative measure. Even if there is no swelling, you should do this three to four days after your hair restoration. You might even discover that ice is all you need to relieve any general discomfort you’re experiencing.
Applying Ice Directly to your scalp
It’s just as important not to rub your new hairline on your pillow as it is not to apply ice directly to the areas of your scalp with transplanted hair. In fact, for the first three days after treatment, you should try not to touch the area at all. After 72 hours, you should only gently touch your scalp. Remember to apply conditioner gently to an itchy scalp rather than scratching it.
Hair Dye
You cannot dye your hair within four weeks of having your hair restored. If you can’t go four weeks without dying your hair, do it as soon as possible before your treatment. There are no negative side effects to dying your hair shortly before your hair transplant procedure, but the harsh chemicals found in hair dye can compromise the success of the transplanted follicles afterward. The transplanted follicles are extremely fragile for several weeks after transplantation. They require all the assistance they can get.
Scratching your head or scrubbing your hair
Do not wash your hair for the first 48 hours after your hair transplant procedure. You can gently wash your hair on the third day after treatment, the initial washing can be first done at the hospital by your doctor. They’ll tell you every little detail you should know about washing your hair after your procedure as well, so you don’t need to worry. During the fifth day after treatment, avoid over-washing your hair. Also, do not direct the stream onto your scalp. Instead, rinse shampoo out of your hair with a cup. If you have itchy skin, you can apply the conditioner provided by your doctors to your scalp gently, or contact your medical consultants for a thorough review by your doctors.
Assuming your hair will never fall out
Many people do not expect their hair to fall out after having hair transplant surgery, but this is a perfectly normal and healthy part of your natural hair growth cycle. At any given time, approximately 10% to 15% of your hair is in the “shedding” phase. Don’t be alarmed if you notice shedding within the first two to four weeks after your treatment. There is no harm done to your follicles. In three months, new hair will have grown stronger, healthier, and thicker than ever before from those follicles. And the newly grown hair won’t fall out ever again, however if you have a genetic hair loss (androgenetic/androgenic type alopecia) your existing natural hair may keep thinning.
Don’t Forget to Hydrate
We all know that water is essential for life, but many people don’t realize that hydration is even more important before and after a transplant. The more hydrated you are, the more at ease you will be and the quicker you will recover. Spending a few weeks making a conscious effort to drink 10% more water can make a huge difference in your overall recovery process. We strongly advise you to download an app on your phone that will remind you to drink a cup (8 fl. oz (0.24 liters) of water every hour while you are awake to ensure you are drinking enough water.
A good general rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 120 pounds (ca. 54 kg), you should drink 60 ounces (2.27 liters) of water per day. This, however, does not apply in every situation. Check your urine to see if you’re getting enough water. It should be translucent to pale yellow in color.
Tanning under the sun
For the first two weeks after your hair transplant, avoid exposing your scalp to direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If you must go outside during that time, try not to stay out too long. If you’re using your hair restoration as an excuse to take a vacation to “recover,” make sure you’re protected from sunburn and don’t go scuba diving.
Gearing up your sports equipment
You may feel obligated to wear a ball cap that matches your Bayern Munich jersey. You should not, however, wear a hat within 72 hours of your treatment. Scabs are a perfectly natural “side effect” of hair transplantation, but keep anything from touching the treatment site until they have had enough time to solidify.
Heavy Lifting
Do not engage in strenuous exercise or any other form of exertion in the days following your hair transplant. This means that now is not the time to break a personal lifting or sprinting record. Light to moderate exercise is fine; just keep your heart rate and blood pressure within a safe, normal range for the first seven days after your treatment.
For the first seven days after treatment, brisk walks, yoga, and tai chi are excellent substitutes for your usual workout routine. You can even go on a moderately paced bike ride three days after your treatment. Just remember to bring your helmet and reflective gear.
Unfortunately, avoiding strenuous exercise for the first week after hair transplantation is insufficient. Avoid any other activity that can make you sweat profusely, such as relaxing in a sauna.
Smoking and Drinking
Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it dehydrates you. This can increase the length of your recovery time and increase your risk of discomfort. Furthermore, it can raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels and reduce the supply of blood and vital nutrients to your brain. For the first five days following your procedure, you should abstain from alcohol.
If you smoke, try to quit at least a few months before, so your hair transplant recovery can be smooth. Quitting is difficult, and it raises your blood pressure. Smoking can raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels, depending on your natural blood pressure. Keep in mind that blood flow is necessary for the growth of new, healthy hair. For the first few weeks, avoid nicotine-containing products such as e-liquids, cigarettes, cigars, nicotine gum, and nicotine patches.
Having Sex
You must refrain from having sex for the first seven days following your hair transplant. People frequently argue that sex lowers blood pressure, and while it is true that regular sex helps to lower blood pressure in the long run, your blood pressure and heart rate always rise during sex. There is a good chance that your heart rate, blood pressure, or both will become too high for your transplants’ health. Furthermore, during sexual intercourse, there is a risk of sweating and the treatment site being touched. This can impair the formation of healthy scabs and increase the risk of infection.
Fast Food
Fast food is convenient, and you may not want to cook while you are recovering. During your recovery period, however, nutrition is nearly as important as healthy blood flow and adequate hydration. To grow thick, healthy, soft, sleek, strong, and beautiful hair, it requires a lot of nutrients. Unfortunately, fast food is often low in nutrients and high in empty calories. If you’re having trouble getting enough nutrients in your diet, look for a supplement that contains calcium, magnesium, protein, iron, vitamin B6, zinc, biotin, and plenty of protein. You shouldn’t need to supplement with any specific amino acids if you eat enough protein.
Book your free initial consultation
It makes no difference whether your severe hair loss is the result of unlucky genes, medications, age, stress, or other factors. Hair transplantation can boost your self-esteem, happiness, and confidence. However, there are some things you should avoid to ensure that your hair transplant recovery is quick and comfortable, and that the results of your treatment are successful and satisfactory. Contact the professional aesthetic experts at Global Medical Care today to schedule your initial consultation to learn more about what to avoid after a hair transplant procedure, the cost of hair transplant, and what you should do.